Gas exchange
Photosynthetic measurement:
CO2, H2O, ... based on Infrared Gas Analysis Systems (IRGA).Fully portable field version, Integral cuvette air supply with CO2, H2O, light and temperature adjustment.
See also iFL: The most automated and accurate combined photosynthesis system: Integrated fluorometer and gas exchange system
Ultracompact Photosynthesis system |
Intelligent Portable Photosynthesis System
New - iFl Integrated fluorometer and gas exchange system |
Wide range of cuvettes, both in shape and form specailly made for:
- leaf (broad or narrow),
- fruits,
- pinecones,
- soils,
- small leafs (arabidopsis)
- Whole plants, .....
Soil respiration system:
Dual CO2, H2O ou single CO2 analyser
EGA60 Multi-sample soil respiration system |